Frequently Asked Questions


Will there be preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19?

We recognize the safety and health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We are asking all attendees to take protective measures for themselves and their communities by wearing face coverings if you plan to attend in person. All volunteers and artists are required to wear face coverings and practice social distancing at these events. If you are attending and do not have a protective face covering, we will have them onsite to distribute and are requiring that they cover your mouth and nose at all times. If you are at high risk or have displayed symptoms of COVID-19, please register from home. Learn more about COVID-19 and how you can limit the spread here

Is March On Ballot Boxes in need of a videographer or photographer at your events? 

If you are interested in volunteering your services, please reach out to with your name, city desired, and a link to your portfolio.

Can I start my own event? 

Yes, find out more about starting your own event here.

What is Black Voters Matter Fund?

Black Voters Matter Fund is an organization that operates to increase power in communities through voting. BVMF advocates for policies to expand voting rights and access as well as policies that intersect with race, gender, and economic equity. Learn more about them here

What is HeadCount?

HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that registers voters and promotes participation in democracy through the platform of music. HeadCount stages voter drives at more than 1,000 live events each year. Learn more about them here.

Can my organization get involved in this event?

Contact us here.

Think you’re seeing inaccurate voter information? 

This may be because state election boards don’t update their external files right away. If you registered to vote in the last few weeks, or if your polling place was recently changed, this might be why you’re seeing incorrect information.

Here’s what you can do:

Double check you used your full, legal name in the form. Nicknames don’t match up with what’s on your official voter record.

Check directly with your state website or give your county clerk a phone call. You can find your state website information here with our friends at HeadCount.

Register to vote again. If you’re not seeing that you’re registered using the above tips, you can always register again.

Why should I care about voting?

Every election has consequences, and voting is your chance to stand up for the issues you care about which impact your day to day life. In our view, there’s no time in recent memory when it has been more important to ensure we have competent and effective leaders in place. 

Where can I vote on Election Day?

You can find your local polling place here.

How do I know if I’m registered to vote?

You can check your status on our homepage here.

When is the next election? 

You can find information about upcoming elections in your state here.

Can I register to vote in a state that I just moved to?

There are different guidelines depending on what state you recently moved to that are known as Residency Rules. Some states require a certain amount of time between declaring residency, and registering to vote in your new state.  In other states, there is no time requirement and you can register immediately upon moving.  

Can I use my college / university address to register to vote?

Yes - you can use the address of your school to register to vote.